Monday, November 29, 2010

White hair dye for grizzly bears

my initial rendering for the Martian Matte painting photoshop project. thanks to xin for helping out a lot, though i still need some fixing to do, that's what I'll stick with for tonight

Feeling quite a bit better from yesterday, as a hot shower relieved me of that excruciating headache. Dizziness remains!

Also, I've been reading "Eye of the World" part of the Wheel of Time saga... and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. Though I can't say I'm the strongest reader out of my bunch of friends, I'm taking my dear sweet time absorbing the world that Robert Jordan is creating in front of me. I recommend it for any fantasy genre fan.


  1. I'm thinking of starting that series. But just imagining investing how many years it takes to finish that series into reading it scares me a little. Great job so far on your project, I'd like to see it's progress soon yo.

  2. Very nice landscape, Andrew! I love the feel of all the warm and cold colors! Keep it up!
