Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DP#15: Late post sketchphoto

Hey, the hiatus is broken!

Mostly traditional medium post here, but i'll start with the only digi.
Moving on, these were a few of character design assignments for a class (pardon the poor quality)

Now, Today we were assigned to draw other classmates for a lead-up to a painting. I failed on pretty much all of the drawings so here's something to make myself feel a bit better. (even though it isn't that accurate D:) Been practicing other people around my house, but I don't think they're good enough to post here. I'll keep updating with portraits this week, hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest copying some artists' portraits to understand how they deal with the lighting and rendering. My favorites are zhanglu, z.s. liang, the people at watts atelier, fechin and other russian artist. Sargent has some very nice charcoal (vine?) portrait sketches too.
